Monday 10 October 2011

Monday, busy busy busy!


How are you all? I'm majorly busy with both graphic design stuffs and illustration stuffs today; I really don't know how I'll get it all done to be honest!

The wedding I went to on Friday was great; it was so intimate and personal! My Dad and (now officially!) my Step Mum had a super time and were so happy we were there to share it with them both. I think I'll send them this to let them know my gratitude!

Thanks for the WHSmiths congrats, AS SOON AS I know more I'll let you know!! :-)
ps: Jessica, I loved your comment... mainly because I adore how you work with all your vectors! HA HA! xxx

1 comment:

  1. That's a super-cute illustration! I can just imagine how wonderful it would make someone feel to get a thankyou as beautiful as that, and it's so much more personal too, because you created it. I'm quite busy at the moment designing and watercolouring up a batch of Christmas cards for all my closest friends and teachers, and just doing it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

    Lovely to hear about the wedding. Take care.
