Thursday 13 October 2011

oooh my 140th post!

Good Morning!

I'm being a bit sneaky and I'm actually writing this 140th post (woo!) on a borrowed laptop whilst backstage at my final big work event for this year. The event hasn't started yet so I thought I'd sneak away and try to write something! I made sure I was prepared and took this design with me in the hope that I'd be able to find a quiet few minutes to post it for you and here it is; a finished version of the black and white design a did a few weeks ago:

Anyway, I've gotta go as the rehearsals are about to start! speak to you next week :-)
nanny s-a xxx

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it looks even more gorgeous now than it did before, and the carrots in the background are very sweet. Have fun.
