Tuesday, 28 February 2012

YESSSSS! Happy vibes are already paying off!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

As readers of yesterday's post will know, I am making a very conscious effort this week to be happy and positive. Well, it's already paid off! I can't say too much but will definitely spill the beans when I'm able to. It just goes to show we make our own luck in life so GET ON OUT THERE GUYS! What are you waiting for?!!!

Ahem... Enough with the positivity push; here is today's post for your viewing pleasure :-)

Awwww, another sort of soppy one... I can't seem to help myself! Nanny xxx

Monday, 27 February 2012

I refuse to have another bad week!

Hey guys! Hope you had a super weekend :-)

I am starting this week as I mean to go on; I'm fed up of feeling so up and down so I am going to do my jolly best to be happy ALL WEEK! YEAAAHHHHHHHH!!! ....let's see how I get on with that! ha!

No idea why but I was thinking about an emblem and saying that sums up me and my artwork, er... I came up with this!

Hmmmmm???!!! Ha ha ha!
Happy Monday all, lots of love Nanny xxxx

Friday, 24 February 2012

getting a grip


After feeling truly rubbish for the past couple of days I'm pleased to say I'm back to being perky again; it's quite unlike me to be THIS up and down... perhaps I need to read a self help book or something?

Last weekend Treasure Hunt Boy and I went to Windsor Great Park for a late afternoon walk and we were really fortunate to get close (as in about 20m) to a herd of deer which live in the grounds. I'm not sure why but this is what I thought when I saw the stags:

It's weird how the mind works isn't it??!! Hope you have a great weekend and that you're feeling happy too! Nanny S-A xx

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Wednesday... but it feels like a Thursday

Hey hey,

I feel a little hard done by today as I keep thinking it's Thursday. I'm sure wishing away the week can't be right or healthy but here I am, missing a whole day out and actually wishing I'd miss the rest of the week out too! It's not that I feel depressed, I just feel wholly unsatisfied in my day job. THANK GOODNESS I have my drawing to keep me going or I think I would've gone mad long ago.

I know I said I'd stop with the lovey drawing stuff but I left my USB at home and therefore can't upload yesterday's work! GRRRRR! I started this last week but have just finished it so lovey type drawings will just have to do for today!!

In other news, I've made my first few online sales this week!! HOW EXCITING! There isn't very much on the site at present but I'm hoping prints and other bits and bobs will follow shortly.

I've had to alter the card pricing slightly due to a multiple postage issue, it's cheaper to buy now whichever way you look at it!
Nanny xxx

Friday, 17 February 2012

I have no idea if this will work...


Hope you're having a nice week guys :-) Soooo... it's been a long time coming but I think I've sorted out some kind of shop facility on my website! I honestly have no idea if it works or not but here goes:

I'll let you know how it goes...!

Hope you have a super weekend and thanks for following as always :-) xxx

Thursday, 16 February 2012

I've gotta stop with all this romance now!

Hello all!

So after Valentine's day you'd think I'd be all loved out but... I'M NOT! Hopefully I'm not boring you all with these romantical themed posts but I'm just very jolly indeed :-) I'll do my best to focus more on other themes from now on but I can't promise anything...

Hope you had an equally lovely Valentine's day as I did :-D
Byeeeee and happy Thursday to you :-) xxxx

Monday, 13 February 2012

Valentine's Freebie :-)


And HOOOOOOOORRRAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!! It's Valentine's Day tomorrow and I thought I'd give a little gifty-poo to my MUCH LOVED followers :-) Click here to get high res versions of these garlands :-)

Oooh I can't wait to decorate the house with these for Treasure Hunt Boy! Ahhh, I love Valentine's Day! xxxx

Friday, 10 February 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Even more love for Thursday


Awww, aren't you lot sweet?!! I'm glad my slushy, loved up post from yesterday didn't make you feel pukey! Ha ha! It's simply marvellous that you're pleased for me too, thank you :-)

This feels a little different from my usual artwork but I felt like it had to come out of my head so er... here it is!
Until tomorrow, Nanny xxx
* Design Jessica don't worry petal! I tell THB EVERY SINGLE DAY how much he means to me and how he's helped me be a better version of my old self :-) yey yey yey! I'm an old romantic, nice to know you are too! xxx *

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

3rd post for the week!

Hurrah and helloooooo!

This is my third post this week, it always makes me happy when I post lots :-D I am super happy in general as things with Treasure Hunt Boy are going incredibly well; this is a bit slushy but last night I couldn't sleep as I just kept thinking about how much I love him :-) ha ha ha! I am so sleepy today! As we all know Valentines Day is coming up. It's the first one where I've felt 100% about everything, I am so grateful and thankful for that.

Nanny xxx

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

breakfast for dinner


Things seem brighter and happier today; I've had some promising news with regards to my work this morning and also my sister's appointment with the fracture clinic went quite well which can only be a good thing (she's now in a bright pink cast! WOO!). ALSO I've managed to finish THIS drawing for tdac which has been bugging me for ages colour and composition wise; ahh but it's done now!

Happy Tuesday all! Until tomorrow!
Nanny xxx

Monday, 6 February 2012


Hey hey :-)

Hope you're well and smiley :-D I'm feeling very jolly and totally back to my old self, phew :-) Unfortunately the same can't be said for my poor little sister (she'll be 26 next month so she's not really that little!); she slipped over in the snow on Saturday and broke her ankle in two places!!

Hope this makes her grin a little :-)

I feel like I should apologise as I only posted the once last week so I'm going to try and post every day this week to make up for it! So... UNTIL TOMORROW!
Nanny s-a xxx

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Thank goodness for February!

Hello everyone!

I am so ruddy well pleased January is over with! My grumpy spell went (as described in my last couple of posts) but then came back, GAH! Hopefully now we are in the second month of the year all those January blues will stay firmly behind us :-) phew.

Today's post; well...I did a little experimenting with colour on this one:

(RGB (web colours) never seem to look as good as my CMYK (print) files... apologies!)

Hope you are all having a great week and are feeling jolly, HURRAH FOR FEBRUARY! xxx