Friday, 12 April 2013

A NEW START (but using existing bits)

Good Morning all!

I am simply thrilled to announce the launch of my pre-website-site STUDIOSA.CO.UK! I've had a BIG think and I've decided to re-brand from just Nanny S-A to a more mature (but still just as fun) Studio SA which I'm hoping will encompass ALL the things I do rather than just my Illustration! Look forward to seeing more Graphical stuff, Stationery Design and Bespoke Artworks - YEY!

I'd love to be actually launching the full new site but there are so many changes I'd like to make plus research I need to do that I wouldn't be able to portray my best work so the holding site will stay put for now. Hopefully you'll all be kept up to date and HAPPY with what I'll be providing in the meantime :-) WOO-HOO!

I have a very exciting piece of news to share but it's going to have to wait until I'm allowed to divulge, this news has literally given me the boost and the confidence to push forward with my new Brand. I'm feeling very happy right now, woop de doo!! HAPPY FRIDAY ALL! Nanny XXXXX

1 comment:

  1. Wooo that's so exciting! Can't wait for it all to finished. Well done!
