Thursday, 23 June 2011

More French for you!


HAPPY THURSDAY! So, Bery seemingly LOVED the artwork I made for her(see last post)! yey! THANK YOU BERY for your lovely comments and for making it your profile pic on facebook! ha ha! Here is another little French goody for all of you-hoo, inspired by a conversation Bery had in her English class in France. This is all getting a bit confusing... but you get the idea!

Oh I do hope my French is up to scratch! (1st Onion: Are you vegetarian?  2nd Onion: NO! I am French!)


  1. This is so cute, so funny and so true! I must email the link to Nick!! Just caught up on all the posts I've missed while on holiday and haven't you been busy!! All I can say is I can't wait till I can buy prints of your work, the only trouble will be choosing which ones...!

  2. Love it! It is as fun as when the guy actually said it lol. Thank you for keeping us smiling!

  3. That reminds me - I've been eating french onion dip a bit too much recently. Very cute. Take care.

  4. It's funny because it's true, nicely done :)
