Wednesday, 27 February 2013

lots of re-working... again!

Hey there lovely Reader,

And how are you? Cheery I hope! So there have been yet more prospects on the horizon and yet again I don't feel like there are enough hours in the day! I'm off on a course tomorrow run by the lovely PaperGirls which I'm hoping will help steer my illustration in the right direction. It's hard keeping all the juggling balls that life throws at you up in the air sometimes...!

Some nice re-worked bits for you all! Enjoy!

xxxx :-) xxxx

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Valentine's Day!

I LOVE YOU! Yes! YOU! Thank you to all readers of my blog whether you be regulars or you just happened to stumble upon my doodles! May I be the first to wish you a Happy St. Valentine's Day! Hope you're planning something lovely (even if that is a night alone in the bath, mmm!).

I've made THIS for THB aka Brown Bread (we've been together for 19 months now! I'm the Sunflower which is his pet name for me!) but shhh, I've made this into his card too (printed on silver) so I hope he doesn't read this blog and spoil the surprise!

Have a super v-day! xxxx

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Time goes by so quickly...

Hello one and all!

Wherever you may be I hope this post finds you in a happy and content state! 2013 has been a bit of an odd year so far, some things are going very well like MY FIRST MAGAZINE  FEATURE for Stationery Trends Magazine:

...and being on THE FRONT COVER of one of my illustration catalogues, Beehive #20:

...AND SOMETHING ELSE which I STILL can't yet divulge (sorry!). But then there is a fair share of sad news too for me and people around me which has been quite distressing. Fingers crossed that once Spring arrives it'll all be on the up from there.

It has been incredibly busy at my day job (working for McLaren) which is exciting but also tiring! I've not been able to dedicate myself as much to my illustrative artwork as I would've liked but I think the next few months should see me spending more time on this lovely hobby of mine :-D

McLaren MP4-28 Car Launch (I helped with this event!)

