Friday, 28 October 2011

A spooky weekend ahead...


How will you be spending your weekend? I think I will be sleeping, drinking and eating lots :-D I have loads planned (as usual!) including spending the whole of Sunday with my Mum for her birthday! Woo-hoo!! I love spending time with Mum, she's so funny :-)

Here is a little something in preparation for Monday:

I've already bought some sweet treats and put up some home-made Halloween bunting; perhaps I'll dress up on Monday too (I have a skeleton costume in my wardrobe, it's actually very comfortable!)  :-)

Have a great weekend everyone! xxx

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Ooh Halloween is only around the corner...

...and it seems the tricksters are already at it! For some peculiar reason, my Nanny S-A facebook page is not loading my new photos or comments? WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD and also very irritating!

OH HELLO BTW! Sorry for that little ranty-poo but I am rather frustrated as you can perhaps tell... Hopefully ruddy facebook will sort itself out soon, boo! Here is today's "spooky" themed piccy:

Nanny xxx

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Hey there! How are you doing?!

Ooh I had some truly lovely comments again on my last post, THANK YOU!! It's so nice sharing the love across the internets! I really appreciate all your support and kind words too :-) Oooh, to one of my newest followers/commenters Tangled up in blue; yes these are all my own doodles and I am utterly thrilled that you like them so much :-)

It's Tuesday and I'm super tired. I was even worse yesterday (hence the lack of posting) but in truth I'm not that much better today! I think it has something to do with the days getting shorter and the nights getting colder... I just want to huddle up somewhere warm and hibernate.

Today's writings have nothing to do with today's drawing but my brain is sleepy, forgive me!

I need to sleeps zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, 21 October 2011

Friday: Final Post!

Hello hello hello!

I just wanted to start this post with a big THANK YOU and virtual hugs and kisses to design jessica and the book florist for their kind comments yesterday; it's so nice to feel supported. I don't want to come across as self indulgent on my blog but long time readers will know that I use this as a bit of therapy as well as a place to share my scribbles. I guess I just wanted to physically type the fact that I am so relieved to be feeling strong again and like I have so much more to show for the tears I shed and pain I went through. The whole experience has clarified so many things for me, it's like I know myself better than I ever could before. Yey! :-)

So, design jessica and the book florist; this is for you :-)

Have a wonderful weekend :-)
Nanny s-a xxx

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Fourth post in four days: I'm on a roll!

Yip yip!

After weeks of feeling like I've not been giving as much attention to this blog as I would like: TA-DA! I'VE POSTED FOUR TIMES IN AS MANY DAYS! Ok, so it probably won't be the same next week but I'm proud that I've managed to stick to my target so far this week, yippppppeeeeeee!

What a cheeky insect :-)
Nanny xxxx

On a rather personal note (sorry, this may sound more like a diary entry), I am so happy at the moment. I recently found out something about an ex who really messed me up (I can't say too much but it appears he's gone backwards rather than improving himself personally) and it's just made me realise how far I've come and how I'm a far better person for all the negativity and sadness he made me feel. I wouldn't have said it at the time but now that I've healed and grown and have been lucky enough to meet someone (Treasure Hunt Boy!) so completely and utterly wonderful (in ways I never would have even imagined), it's all been completely worth it. I am so glad to be me. I feel so lucky :-) xxx

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Now for something a little bit cheeky...

Ooh hello there,

I am not sure how but it is already Wednesday which I guess can only be a good thing as it means we are nearer to the weekend! Hmmm, actually, is it a good thing to be wishing your week away like this?! I presume other people are the same... aren't they?!

Anyway... here is today's post! Erm, it's a bit naughty but I'm actually rather good at coming up with stuff like this so maybe more will follow! he he he!

Woop! ha ha ha ha! Nanny S-A xxx

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Sunny Tuesday

Alrighty there readers!

It is getting really nippy now, all of a sudden the weather has changed from being an "Indian summer" September to a properly autumnal October! This morning I made sure to wear (my favourite) winter coat and a lovely woollen scarf as I'm off out into London tonight to see two of my lovely uni girls (it's always cold in London I find!). Anyway, here's a little ray of sunshine to warm you up wherever you are :-)

Nanny xxx

Monday, 17 October 2011

I'm sleepy, how is it Monday already?

Good day to you all, how are you? Happy and smiley I hope!

I am pooped. I really tried to get lots of sleep this weekend but failed miserably! I had the lovely Gemmy come and stay with me on Saturday and went to bed rather late as we were chatting too much. Last night Treasure Hunt Boy and I stayed up stupidly late after an AMAZING dinner of home made lasagne as we watched both Independence Day (a modern classic?!!) followed by Stardust (I ADORE this film). I must get an early night tonight! I'm actually a little nervous as I'll be giving blood in a few hours; this will be my 8th time but I still get scared! ha ha ha! What a wally!

Today's pic is a little commercial but hopefully still rather jolly:

I'm going to try to post every day this week so I'LL CHAT MORE TOMORROW!
Lots of Love, Nanny xxx

Thursday, 13 October 2011

oooh my 140th post!

Good Morning!

I'm being a bit sneaky and I'm actually writing this 140th post (woo!) on a borrowed laptop whilst backstage at my final big work event for this year. The event hasn't started yet so I thought I'd sneak away and try to write something! I made sure I was prepared and took this design with me in the hope that I'd be able to find a quiet few minutes to post it for you and here it is; a finished version of the black and white design a did a few weeks ago:

Anyway, I've gotta go as the rehearsals are about to start! speak to you next week :-)
nanny s-a xxx

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Hey all!

I am in such a wonderful mood! I'm really happy and feel so lucky to have such a lovely man in my life :-) That is all I have to say today! :-)


Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Happy Tuesday!

Hope things are well with you all!

I feel like my blog posts have been awfully erratic and not detailed enough; I can only put this down to being all over the shop with my graphic design (day work) which involves staying away from home and some late nights. It's not usually this busy so hopefully I'll be able to put a little more thought into my posts soon!
So, I've been reworking a few images from past posts so they're perhaps more commercial and therefore sell-able! Here are a few examples:

I'll have something brand spanking new for you tomorrow! Until then, ta ta for now!!
Nanny s-a xxx

Monday, 10 October 2011

Monday, busy busy busy!


How are you all? I'm majorly busy with both graphic design stuffs and illustration stuffs today; I really don't know how I'll get it all done to be honest!

The wedding I went to on Friday was great; it was so intimate and personal! My Dad and (now officially!) my Step Mum had a super time and were so happy we were there to share it with them both. I think I'll send them this to let them know my gratitude!

Thanks for the WHSmiths congrats, AS SOON AS I know more I'll let you know!! :-)
ps: Jessica, I loved your comment... mainly because I adore how you work with all your vectors! HA HA! xxx

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Thursday: last day of the week for me!

Hello Readers!

Hope you've had a super duper week so far. Yup, the title is correct; it is indeed the end of the week for me as I am off work tomorrow because.... MY DAD IS GETTING MARRIED!!! My Step-Mum-to-be is a lovely lady and I couldn't be happier for them as they truly do love each other, HURRAH!
I made them a card (of course) with this graphic on it :-)

In other news, my agent went to see WHSmiths  last week and apparently they love my work! So, I'm busy doing a few new bits for them to view... hopefully they'll want to work with me for definite! Woo-hoo!

Have a lovely weekend guys and gals,
lots of love,
Your Nanny S-A xxx

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Stylist Competition

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are all super smiley and happy! I meant to post this yesterday but ran out of time; lots of exciting things are going on and distracting me, I'll tell you about them VERY SOON! WA-HOOOOOO!

So, Stylist Magazine are holding a competition to design their 100th issues's front cover so I thought I'd give it a go! Hope you likey :-)

I like how chubby the zeros are :-)

Promise I'll write more stuffs tomorrow, lots of love NANNY xxx